music brought down by god to the people sufferin in the mississippi delta, play it the hell you like its all about expression and bringing your feelings to the listener,and creating atmosphere.
just lookin through my ol blues records

ole Muddy back in the day was **** hot, ya know

oh really I just got this stevie ray record that lil white kid from austin can play.
by Paul john hinton September 13, 2005
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1. A colour.
2. The feeling of being down or miserable
3. In some regions, describes one's sexual preference - in this case, that one prefers guys.
1. 'The sky is blue'
2. 'You alright? You look a bit blue.'
3. 'So, are you pink, purple or blue?
by EmptyMask October 26, 2006
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A fine Canadian Pilsner beer, enjoyed mostly by hosers and Buffalonians, and brewed by Labatt's.
Gord, how aboot grabbing a 30-rack of Blue on your way down to Sherkston, eh?
by timmy ho April 8, 2008
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Refering to the color uniforms that cops wear.
"Dont trust that snitch, I hear he's workin for the blue"

"Keep an eye out for the blue"
by sbcadillac March 17, 2005
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UK slang, gang related / region specific:

Endeering term used for friends with business links, particularly in a few specific areas such as Streatham (blue town), Tottenham, and Cambridge. Used in place of "blud". Can get you in trouble around Woolwich and Hackney
"wassup blue, you got work?"
"yes blue, there's at least 5 for you to work, more if you can get some p's"
by Top Shottz May 6, 2008
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An exclamation used to express the frustration that occurs when you need to repeat yourself many times over.
Derived from the video game Brain Age, in which during one of the activities it had trouble with voice recognition.
Subject A: So, I found a $20 bill on the ground yesterday, right outside my house.
Subject B: What?
Subject A: I found $20 yesterday.
Subject B: What?
Subject A: A $20 dollar bill, I found one yesterday!!
Subject B: A 20 what?
Subject A: Blue! BLUE!!!!!!
by Dominic F October 23, 2007
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An umpire (in baseball), referring to the uniform color.
"Good call blue. Got it right for once."
by erotica69 September 16, 2005
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