A) "Too long; didn't view", meaning a video, meeting recording, or any video that is very lengthy, and whoever used the phrase didn't even view it for that reason.

B) Also used by as a term for annotated videos that provide chaptermarks within the video to show what's important in the video. YouTube is increasingly implementing this in their Google Indexing, There is even a software company going by the name tl;dv, which helps employees summarize their virtual meetings with chaptermarks.
Girl A: Did you watch that YouTube clip I shared with you last week?

Guy B: No, tl;dv.


Employee A: Since you couldn't attend that meeting, did you at least catch-up with the recording of the meeting?
Employee B: 'Hey sorry, tl;dv'
by Street_Poet June 3, 2020
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too long, didn't read
most often used in forums, when someone writs a really long post
tl, dr. that was a freaking essay.
by Carmen March 23, 2004
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A very complicated acronym
Its definition is so long no one reads it
"Did you find out the definition of TL-DR?"
"Too long. Didn't read."
by Michail Borisovič Rusakov August 1, 2019
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too late;already fapped

Cred to: Stevie068 and bluelph24
It is so hot today that when my Gf got in her car a penny branded her ass

Spoiler alert: OP has no girlfriend and picture is of his bare ass.

by theboneycrony August 26, 2011
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TL - The Least , Applies to any situation that is unfavorable or has a negative aspect to it. ; used to say soething was bad or is bad ; can be used as a term o disagree
How was the Food last night ? it was TL

Lets go hit up Farshangs party tonight . TL, that party is whack
by Pershon April 4, 2007
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Thought to have originated on TOTSE this is a common reply to a very long post. It means Too long/Didn't read.
Person 1: Here is my thought on the meaning of life...(Goes on for another 1000 words

Person 2: tl/dr
by Vickylala May 13, 2006
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Too Long; Didn't Read

Literally translates to: That was too long to read.
Really translates to: I'm too lazy to read the entirety of what you said, but I still want to say something.

Now, instead of just dropping capitals the modern internet communicator also drops tiresome reading! The time savings will be incredible.
Person A: Hi, do you know anything about where Jamie and Brad are?
Person B: tl;dr
Person A: Uh... How should I have said that?
Person B: do u no where jamie n brad r
Person A: AGH... It burns!
by Gogo May 16, 2005
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