One who is a total idiota
One who thinks quite well of himself for being such a retard
Syed: "One Who Is Awesome
One Who Is Ranked 3rd in the state for web design.
A great tennis Player
Syed Is Better Then Cecil In Tennis."

Kevin: omfg you're such a Syed...
by hotsayx May 10, 2005
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whenever your friends says some stupid shit tell them sys (snipe you're self) ... don't forget the jk ;)
Friend : he's so ugly. ew. why do you date him. he looks like a burnt chicken nugget.

Me: sys susan :|
by slangmaster321 December 9, 2019
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a fucking dumbass that should fucking kill himself with a fucking screwdriver through the fucking urethra like omg he cant even defend fucking die bitch ass
god youre such a sy (this should be a slur)
by konjilol April 3, 2022
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Gay ass hoe. Little stupid headass! Probably doesnt even drink cha... Is around 5 foot 1 inch
Syed: Alah Akbar!!!
by Harry Gilmore August 26, 2019
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party god

"B.I." Knows how to influence people to the wrong path

known to have the golden voice
Ryan Sy was at the party last night. The party rocked so hard!
by jicy December 11, 2012
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The most connected lad in western Sydney. Subhan Syed is known to be the hardest cunt whilst running the ball in areas such as Greenacre and Auburn. Lads also refer to him as the ‘Auburn Veteran’. Since he got jumped by 30 fobs his street rep went really high and he is classified as a professional gangster in Western Sydney.
Omg run boys Subhan Syed is coming
by Moeylad October 1, 2019
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