A phrase often used by someone who wants to sound cool, yet doesn't know the actual time.
Derived from the belief that drug dealers operate on their own clock.
"SW tonight, standard narco time."
by Narconomics June 9, 2014
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A time schedule used by people from India that generally runs between a half hour to an hour behind the general accepted time of the area. Often this frustrates or annoys other people not on the SIT schedule. It also be abreviated as SIT.
Anurag is late again.....that man runs on Standard Indian Time.
by Nick Lauda July 16, 2011
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The Time according to cellphones.
Most likely to be completely off ordinary time.
L: Whats the time?
G: By Cell Phone Standard Time its 1:45. Pm.
L: What the hell, we just had breakfast!!
G: Then we had breakfast at the wrong time.
by Laura Bowman April 19, 2008
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the time at which parties normally start. it isn't an exact time, rather it refers to the time period between 9-11pm. This time can also vary regionally and by age group.
dude 1: hey do you know what time that bangin' party starts tonight?
dude 2: no they didn't say, so it's probably standard party time (spt)
dude 1: right on. let's go at 10:30
by Maxwell Espinosa November 15, 2009
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Bill standard time also known as bst is any time zone that has billworthy individuals residing within it. Anyone who is named bill automatically makes the time zone they live in bill standard time.
John: where exactly is bill standard time?
Bill: anywhere I set my graces
by readyplayerone1 January 9, 2022
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The time zone everyone on Earth is on due to the pandemic. All of time seems to be mushed and nobody can remember the day.
Two friends texting in late 2020:
Friend 1: "Omg I just thought it was Tuesday."
Friend 2: "It is Tuesday!"

Friend 1: "OMG haha wow. See I got confused cause I had two similar events today and yesterday."
Friend 2: "You must be stuck in Pandemic Standard Time"
by Licensed_Nerd November 3, 2020
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Also called PST. Used to define the non-proportionality of time while self-isolating at home during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
I don't even know what day of the week it is anymore. March lasted for 6 years, April exactly 6 minutes and May 6 seconds. It's like we're following some kind of Pandemic Standard Time!
by SadMandalorian May 27, 2020
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