1- An individual who cares about what coffee or coffee mix drink they put in their mouth. A coffee snob is not ok with starbucks, or Tim hotrons, or dunkin doughnuts, or mcdonalds...etc.

2- a coffee snob would rather drink water than drink old coffee. An anal coffee snob will not drink the coffee if it needs milk and anything more than 1 tsp of sugar.

3- a coffee snob supports local roasters and refuses to drink folgers, maxwellhouse, or any other pre-ground non-fresh coffee... Including instant.
Hey, you want some coffee?
What do you have?
I got instant and folgers.
Umm... You got water?
Oh... You must be a coffee snob, huh?
Ya, sorry.
by The coffee snob October 3, 2011
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A person who believes s/he has a more refined taste in music and has much more knowledge in the field of music in general. Every song and genre is unacceptable unless the snob happens to like it, then it is absolute perfection. Music snobs feel obligated to enlighten everyone with unwelcome critiques and irrelivant musical trivia.
Person 1: That asshole turns her nose up at anything that isn't part of her narrow, carefully hand picked library of music.
Person 2: Music snob?
Person 1: Definitely.
by Shameless Plug January 18, 2004
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A wealthy person who truly believes they are better than the average joe and would be disgusted by the sight of hmm let's say a homeless begger
"Sir could you spare some change? My daughters sick and hasn't eaten in 3 days!". *rich snob turns his rich little nose in the air* "omg! Is this disgusting rat talking to me? Ugh somebody kill it. Filthy scum" *rich snob walks away with nose still held high*
by mimifoxfly November 29, 2013
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When someone moves to a different place, but refuses to make new friends because he/she feels that these new people are not good enough and could never compare to their old friends.
Mom: So have you made any new friends down at college?

Kid: No, these people are not nearly as cool as my old friends.

Mom: Wow, you are such a friend snob.
by ryantornado October 8, 2010
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Someone who thinks their extensive knowledge of useless online jargon and acronyms, primarily those only found on urban dictionary, makes them a superior individual.
John thought his over use of the words n00b and pwned made him look smart, however they just made others confused.

John, "Did you see the n00bs in the lobby?"
Susan, "You saw WHAT in the lobby?!"
John, "Don't you know what a n00b is?"
Susan, "No, go talk to your gamer friends, Cyber Snob."
by Franny Lou August 4, 2009
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The Cinema Snob is an internet comedian and independent filmmaker best known for reviewing Z-Grade Exploitation Films, 80's Horror Slasher and Porn Parody. Often seen in a recliner, in a black blazer, no shoes and a smooth yet condescending voice. Other characters include 80's Dan, Llyod The Cat and Kung Tai Ted. As well as popular side projects such as "Midnight Screenings" and "Brad Tries". He can be seen with The Nostalgia Critic, Linkara and Spoony on groups such as (former) Thatguywiththeglasses and Channel Awesome
I'm going to watch a "The CInema Snob" review

"If I want x I'll stick with y thank you very much"
by Black Stripe June 6, 2016
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A person, usually a self appointed "Musician" who particularly entertains the idea that their taste in music is really different and unique to everyone else's, and is usually convinced that any band who experiences commercial success has "sold out", even if said fan may have previously claimed to have liked that band before their peers.

Putting three Indie Snobs in a room together is usually dangerous and somewhat anti social, as they will continually argue with each other over who liked a band first.
Regular John: Mate. Muse are playing in a few months, I haven't seen em yet. Wanna go?

Indie Snob: Bitch please, I saw them years ago when they still played in bars.

Indie Snob #2: Yeah? I went to High School with one of them.

Indie Snob #3: Pretty sure I was there watching their grandparents have sex, you're all newcomers.
by sscreenager May 1, 2010
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