When you pre cum in your undies leaving a snail slime like mess
'OMG he's so hot he made me snail'
by Benbo swaggings April 14, 2016
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Snailing, when you snail someone. First, you rotate your scrotum & balls to the top of your penis, so the upward-facing balls and penis looks like the shape of a snail. Then you drag it along the face of someone. Leaving a trail of smegma or sweat is optional.
I went snailing all over Devin's face last night after he passed out!
by DTemp December 26, 2006
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something that is not just cool, but increadably cool.
Man this flash class is so snail.

I know this definition is also snail.
by Mike Geddes September 9, 2003
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baby who eats veggies and will crawl all over you and give you little snail kisses
They will be your bff no matter what
They just vibing
Snail: *vibing*
Me: oh my god what a beautiful snail *pat pat*
by Billy the Alien May 6, 2020
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A really slow moving car leaking out water and/or oil
Nick's snailing car will die before it gets to the body shop.
by Jujurocs May 12, 2008
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Affectionate term for one's significant other. Particularly when said person is characteristically slow at doing things.
Term usually used by Fluff
"Come on snail, it's bed time."
Snail and fluff are the perfect match.
by 🐌♥️🐻 November 13, 2019
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An expression of dismay similar in meaning to the word FAIL!! but denoting a personal failure, rather than that of somebody else..
Shit i forgot to buy cigarettes, SNAIL!!...

I can't believe i had sexual intercourse with that fat bitch last night, SNAIL!!....
by babooncunt July 22, 2010
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