A game where one person clinches their butt cheeks while the other tries to penetrate them.
I was trying to siege the castle, but I wasn't making any ground.
by Riq1982 November 1, 2017
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“Hey, you wanna go Green Siege?”

Of course, I love Siegeing!”
by lshakalsjdh December 6, 2022
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When your garboottz at r6 siege, and literally have holes from all the pumpings.
Common man, I'm sick of these pumpings, why is my team Swiss siege.

*Looks at leaderboard and sees Russ 0-7* come on man, quit being Swiss siege.
by Razwankrazelchuck April 15, 2019
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A term used after someone has played rainbow six siege the person becomes very angry for a short while
Kyle: wanna play some siege?

Jack: no! Last time i got siege syndrome and you now fine well what that does!
by Walterwhite2 December 16, 2019
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to eliminate your enemy by slowly cutting off his bloodline through breeding out their family or culture. often put into practice by use of prima nocta.
In Braveheart, the English king attempted an english siege upon the Scots.
by Mike Loree December 11, 2008
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1. When someone has a fucked up dick

2. When someone has a big dick
Johnny is walking like that because he got fucked by a siege penis last night.
by PainGang666 January 24, 2016
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A counterpart to a panic attack - instead of a brief assault on one's nerves, this is a constant, low-key wearing-down of one's mental health.
I haven't been sleeping well since the quarantine began, I've just too restless. It's been a real panic siege situation.
by BradRoar April 23, 2020
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