its like when you shit your pants but its not fake its for real
steve: you got a splatter on your pants, what does that mean?
dave: i shitted my pants i am for real
by therealdumpsterfire February 26, 2023
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when things get really scary, but not really that much scary
I was so afraid that my boss would fire me right away, that I could almost feel the shit licking my pants
by Hybaj April 14, 2011
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The non-literal act of being sarcastic or using exaggerative language
Yo Jack fucked Tim hard last night. Really? Nah im just shitting ur pants(SuP) LOL
by Dulluie September 29, 2010
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An expression used when you fucked up, or see something amazing that nobody can explain.
by MagicPotatoe33 April 10, 2018
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when you shit in someones pants and they put them on and it looks like they've shit themselves
"bruh did you just pull a pant shit on kyle"
by killagamer69 June 6, 2021
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