The best person you’ll ever meet in your life. Periodt.

Jk lol but she’s probably nice to everyone but that one girl named emily.
Shirley is a girl who will always be by your side no matter what. She is super loyal and if you are her friend, be thankful .
by S h i rl ey September 8, 2020
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A Shirely is a chick that you're surely going to fuck.
Any Shirley's up there tonight? "bro there are a ton of shirleys, get up here now!
by Givumdope February 21, 2020
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Shirley is a beautiful girl Fights a lot if you start with the “J” she will like you
by Lcfnvhvsen October 17, 2019
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Another name for mastic beach in a seperate section,but still equally as bad full of druggies drug problems real gangsters and tons of wiggers. Mostly found on the block known to be oakwood DR and especially at the oakwood deli. Despite all that,the deli kicks ass!
Lets hit up the boys out in Shirley and burn one later
by Yts420NY March 3, 2018
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is a girl who you never know if she is happy, sad, angry, or cool. She's always in a mood but she is a very good friend after all. Why?! because she can keep a conversation on and on it doesn't matter if the conversation is weird or funny she never makes you have that weird feeling. She might also have some interesting background. She has tons and tons of secrets that no one knows. If you are her friend then you will definitely have to discover her secrets! but she might look very serious and not she is serious because she is insecure or has a feeling of something is gonna happen. She might look fun sometimes that's because she gets information when people are talking behind her back. when she is not serious which means that she trust you.
boy-1 -I just talked to shirley about Lionel Messi the best football player ever and she was like "is that a basketball player?" i meant like she is so stupid.

guy-2"she is so___________i know"

shirley (standing a side listening to them)
by unknown's life May 10, 2022
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A black plastic refuse bag named after dame Shirley Bassey
1. She's black
2. She's a bag
Oi nip to the shop and pick us up some Shirleys
by Bellend123 June 25, 2010
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