A true "playa", is a male of virtually any age, who is spiritually advanced enough to accept himself, accept others, respect women, and generally leave the world a better place for him being here. This foundation allows him the freedom to enjoy his life to the max, to truly have fun...play...and since guys like girls playas have fun with that too, in a cool, decent, smooth kind of way

note: a "player" is the type of guy that doesn't really respect other people and doesn't really respect himself...so he sometimes has his "fun" at others' expense.
In recent years the JV behavior of players has made regular people come to think playa's are "bad" people....you know, guilt by association.
What's G?....the guts to do what you were put on earth to do. And if you don't know yet just get on a path that will take you to it.
by oos February 9, 2009
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someone why has 50 girls on his arm
by jess November 20, 2003
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a jackass who promises u the world but then tries to get with ur sister
duane is a playa
by terrible trio March 19, 2003
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A person who is usually associated with the hip/hop / mTv culture. They usually wear rocawear/ecko type clothes. Usually very baggy clothing. Sometimes accent their ensemble with chains or necklaces. The term Playa has NO RELEVANCE to the number of women they hook up with.
playa player playas playaz players playerz
by Bryce L August 13, 2006
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A simple alias used to address anyone, and if you have issues, anything.
by Maurice July 4, 2003
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Joey Basna
To be a playa is, in essence, to be Joey Basna; for Joey Basna is the epitome of playahood. Indeed, he is the paradigmatic playa.
by Newman December 14, 2003
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