A domestic black cat who deigns to live with humans.
"Watching my house panther Mr. Wiggins prowl the living room in search of cat toys is one of my favourite evening pleasures."
by Senor Fluffington August 27, 2018
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An indie surf rock band, most famous for "Red Headed Girl" and "Tony's Song". Comprised of 3 members, originating from Long Beach, California. They play a very soft indie sound, great for relaxing. They are signed with the record label Innovative Leisure. They have 2 albums: Max Baker and Semi Sweet.
Did you go to the Tijuana Panthers concert last night?
Yeah man, they played Father Figure twice!
by Eremyjay Illipsphay July 21, 2014
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Noun. The opposite of a cougar. i.e. A young female who lusts over an older male, not necessarily for their money.

Men who count as "baby panther prey" are men who are at least 20+ years older than the baby panther herself.
Person A: "Man, I fucking love Christoph Waltz."
Person B: "He's probably old enough to be your grandfather."
Person A: "He can speak four languages and he's gorgeous."
Person B: "You're such a baby panther."
by nemothebabypantherhbic December 24, 2009
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A kick ass band who is a 80s style glam rock band who is trying to bring metal back (praise god). First album was "Feel The Steel". Tracks off "Feel The Steel": 1. Death Go All But Metal (Death To justin bieber more like it) 2. Asian Hooker 3. Community Property (I think the singer is going to get vd first) 4. Eyes Of A Panther 5. Fat Girl (Thar She Blows) (aka the annoying fat ass who rides my bus) 6. Eatin' Ain't Cheatin' 7. Party All Day (**** All Night) 8. Turn Out The Lights 9. Stripper Girl 10. The Shocker 11. Girl From Oklahoma. Members are: Michael Starr (fucking dead ringer for David Lee Roth), Lexxi Foxxx (winner of the hottest base player EVER award), Satchel (closest thing to Slash of GNR and a hell of a lot cheaper.) and Stix Zadinia (so good that he could have been in Bon Jovi 'cept he was over the 230 lb limit.)
Little cousin: Turn it down! I'm trying to listen to Justin bieber!
Metal head: you turn it off! Jesus Christ, Justin bieber is a fuckin' pussy! Steel Panther kicks ass! Death to all but metal!"
by Samii_Ray August 6, 2010
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The Black Panther is the time ole tradition of dawning a black leather glove then aggressively fisting your eagerly awaiting lovers vagina and/or anus
Cassie wants the Black Panther tonight since the glove adds a little more girth and friction to the action
by Dr. Wehttam A. Ahcat February 2, 2018
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Refers to the caffeine high following ingesting a large amount of coffee.

A variant of ride the tiger, which refers to the use of heroin.
Dude, I'm already riding the panther. I'll pass on that fourth espresso.
by philipmorg January 24, 2011
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Adderall (Dextroamphetamine and Amphetamine) in orange colored pills.
"O man. Michelle looks haggard from riding that orange panther."

Addict to Drug Dealer: "Got any Orange Panther?"
by mctrashpedal January 3, 2011
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