The way idiots spell "please" Plz would be correct grammar. Not pls
Kat: can i pls get $10?
Lizi: *Plz, not pls.
by Hang on October 8, 2015
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Pretty Little Sluts. A play off the show "Pretty Little Liars". Moslty used for making fun of it for it's slutty characters.
Dan: Yeah, my sister wouldn't give me the remote so I had to watch that stupid show pretty little liars
Tom: Oh you mean pretty little sluts, PLS?
Dan: Exactly.
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parking lot. usually used by REALLY COOL SCENE KIDS who hang out there.
"hey guys wanna go hang out in the pl!?"
by EmilyBbbbb August 28, 2006
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Puppy Love Syndrome: usually occurs in teenagers and it is when they think that they are in love, but in reality it is just puppy love.
Dad 1: Ya i had 2 take hi in to the doctor the other day...
Dad 2: y?
Dad 1: he has a bad case of PLS..
Dad 2: that like mono?
Dad 1: nope its Puppy love syndrome....
Dad 2: o shit i hope my daughter does'nt get infected too....
by lolerskates2244454 June 8, 2009
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peng legs-very nice sexy slim long legs,
also can be combined with pa for a
double p meaning peng arse and peng
man that gals got pl
woooo that gals got douple p
by littl lou July 14, 2006
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A phrase players use when they want the developers to add something new to the game. Its variation include: “Gaijoob pls”, “Snail pls”, “Lord Snail pls”, and many more. Not to be confused with “DICE pls” which indicates something in the game needs to be fixed. “Gaijin pls” may also be used in games that are not made by Gaijin.
Gaijin pls: the MiG-31 is not as advanced as people think.

Gaijin pls add AA mounted Bren guns for British tanks.
by the_big_iron October 19, 2020
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