A kid who is a pain in the ass but fun to be around. He’s a great athlete and has a good head on his shoulders. But boy oh boy is he a pain in the ass!
That kid Mateo is a pain, but he’s still awesome!
by Freshinition November 6, 2018
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The best boyfriend a guy could ever have. He has the brightest eyes, the softest hands, and is overall adorable. He's smart, funny, cute, and the love of my life. Even though my friend likes him, I will fight for Mateo no matter what. He is my everything, my sun and moon, my stars and planets. I love you.

~ Hudson
Logan: I'm in love with Mateo.
Hudson: Back off bro, he's mine.
by daniels ihoefin December 9, 2021
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noun: a wet, dirty towel; usually ridden with semen and/or vaginal discharge stains; mostly used to clean up after sexual intercourse or masturbation
verb: the act of masturbating on a towel and wringing it out in somebody's mouth
if it wasn't for that Mateo in the trunk of my car, my back seat would be covered in jizz stains
Landon: hey Matrocker, guess what i did last night?
Matrocker: what's that, Landon?
Landon: i gave you a Mateo while you were sleeping!
Both: Hahahahahaha!
Matrocker: that would explain why my lips are so sticky!
by Landwarf August 30, 2010
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He is not a smart kid. Always doing sexual jokes but he is not mature enough to be in date. He is the clown of the class but can be really annoying. Be careful he can hate you for no reason. Is a nice guy to hang out sometimes because can make you laugh all day long. He is not a really handsome man.
Mateo is and will always be stupid
Mateo is so funny
by 1023947856290834765 February 28, 2019
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Mateo a weird but hopeless and a useless human being who can not make a bridge if his life depended on it.he is also a very fun and out going he is a great friend.your a lucky to have him in your life nobody has a big problem with yet.you will really lucky if you are a close friend to him him will try to give you respect if you give it to him
by 🩲 October 22, 2020
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Mateo is a Europen, hot name of a guy that has for the longest time said “I’m do like you but I’m not ready for a relationship” and then when just the right amount of pear pressure asks you out INFRONT OF YOU EXBOYTOY. He treats you like a princess and cares, but only to the person he loves, to others he’s a millichious asshole, but in the words of dilasa dkl “he’s cute or wat eva”
Zee-“Guess what!

Zee-“I’m dating Mateo!”
by Bitchhey October 5, 2018
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