1. someone that's fluffy and appropriately nicknamed Marshmallow
2. someone who pulls a total douchebag move
3. someone with a huge ego, even though in reality, they are quite lame
1. "whoa someone's looking marshally today"
2. "wow, can you believe Jake pulled a marshall on Sharon. So not cool....."
3. Marshall "i worked out for five hours today; you could wash clothes on these abs."
Everyone else "ummmm no."
by jackjackattack July 29, 2011
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Having sex with a slutty girl who attempted to have sex with at least 3 other guys in a night before choosing you. It also helps if the girl resembles Mr. Ed.
Man I pulled a Marshall the other night and had sex with that skeevy ho.
by David and Austen April 20, 2005
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A better definition for Marshall is Bad-ass....Period. A person with the last name Marshall, probably can blow your eardrums out with her high-pitched singing voice. So if you hear someone with the name Marshall in their name.....Scream and run.
Person 1: "What's your name?"
Person 2: " Evelyn Marshall..."
Person 1: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"
by Powwww December 15, 2010
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a married man that cheats on the wife. Usually find strays
at dinner parties or the internet. Has been known to invite the current fuck to easter egg hunts or any function knowing that the wife is there but clueless as shit.
hey- did you see what lawrence did. he did a marshall and picked up that loser from chat. he told me that the bitch has been writing in her diary of her love. ha ha ha...he knows how to marshall
by texas lucky April 25, 2006
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Another girl: cute bæ🙈
Marshall: thanks bæ🍑
Me// wtf is he thinking?
by Jacknluke April 1, 2016
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Almost always brags about his 'cooler master' , whatever the hell that is.
Marshall: Hey guys you wanna play on the pc?

Person 1: Yea sure, What pc do you have?

Marshall: I have a cooler master, Its really good to play fortnite on.

Person 2: HAHAHAHAHH, that sounds like a refrigerator brand.

Person 1: HAHAHAHAh, cooler master
by CoolBoip123 March 1, 2019
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A name typically used for a person who is a little bitch.
Marshall is a little bitch most days of his life.
by Wing world December 8, 2015
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