A monsterous joint, that when rolled, consumes most of the bud that was purchased from a bag. This can be rolled with no less than two papers spliff or filling an entire blunt without splitting the outer casing goddie or godfather.
This can not be smoked by any more than two people; inducing a coma-like high that lasts for hours and ends with a trip to a burger or taco establishment.

Opposite of eeny teeny weeny beany micro-thinny
"Hey, are you gonna whip out that atty batty super makdaddy macro-fatty, or am gonna have to light the eeny teeny weeny beany micro thinny."

or a response to seeing a HUGE joint...

"Jeez, thats an atty batty super makdaddy macro-fatty."
by Crackmonkey April 3, 2006
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A genre of internet art or photography that features people or objects of a large scale. This scale can range from 10ft, to sometimes thousands of feet large.
Macro art/photography is a shortened term for 'Macrophilia', meaning macro art is usually sexual in nature
"What are you into sexually?"
"I'm into macro art"
"Oh, so you're a macrophile?
"Yes, i am"
by Bendycrate July 4, 2021
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1. The opposite of micro. When referencing an idea: large, high scientific, philosophical, or spiritual. Outside of the average everyday meaning or functional purpose.
2. Referencing something a layer deeper than is the norm, esp in a jocular way.
That’s too macro, dude; lay it out more plainly.

“Pass me that square of sequestered carbon molecules”

“It’s called plywood. Stop being so macro.”
by Treebeard April 3, 2018
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A hack in Fortnite that lets you click to buttons at one to edit.
You edit so fast I think you are using Macros!
by LilybugPlayz January 15, 2021
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Only people that’s not good at the game uses
Them guys are using Macros to beat us
by r6cuban April 25, 2019
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A person who always shoots deep 3s. They layup sometimes, but mostly shoot 3s.
Jason shoots too many deep threes. He's a Macro.
by Fufwhshs February 25, 2019
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