jew-cy... an expensive line of clothing for your typical preppy Jewish-American Princess
omfg look at that fat curly haired jew... she's wearing juicy
by alex November 12, 2004
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The single most Hottest girl in the world who should be the fantasy of every guy and i love
Amy is Juicyalicious
by Unknown February 11, 2003
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The state a person gets in after consuming the drug GHB. Rubbing of one's chest and making loud exhaling/inhaling noises is present.
Tim: Did you see Paul the other night?
Fred: Yeh I did. Fuck he was juicy.
Tim: I reckon.
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Song on Pretty Ricky's debut albume, Bluestars. Best played whilst getting intimate with your girl.
Yeah, pimpin' got busy to that song, Juicy.
by queen_bee August 23, 2006
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a way of describing an attractive male with a nice behind/rear end
by fuf567 June 5, 2019
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Another word meaning “thick” nice booty, nice thighs, nice, boobs, and you are toned. Trust me there is a difference between juicy and fat... fat means you got a muffin top on your belly and the bakery is calling to ask for their rolls back! Juicy means your broad built and you are fit not a fatty waddling around like a penguin in the artic!
Guy: Dude that girl jenna is juicy!

Other guy: dude she is damn, juicy girls are definitely the best.
by Girl_Slay May 8, 2018
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