The process of trying to absorb jagermeister through ones taint, similar to vodka eyeballing
Dude, did you see john take that shot in his eyeball? No, but I saw tony Jager tainting.
by the_lord_of_the_fly's June 2, 2010
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You punch a hole in a red bull can like you are going to shotgun it, and then pour out a little red bull. You then fill the can up with jager and shotgun it.
I was wired after doing that jager missile.
by Big.Rick666 May 16, 2009
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One whos drinks themselves into a walking coma. The person still has basic motor function but has lost the power of speech. Subject is only able to roll their eyes at every comment or question. All due to heavy drinking. Consumption of Jagermeister makes this transformation almost instantaneous.
Uh-oh, looks like he is pulling a "Jager-Mav".
by Muthagoose Escobar November 30, 2003
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The name of a drink that involves dropping a shot of Jager into a type of energy drink then drinking it entirely as fast as possible.
We got trashed last night when we had all those "Jager Bombs"
by Kindergarden Cop May 27, 2009
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dip and marinate your balls in jagermeister for a few seconds and then proceed to cram them into a girls mouth while she licks/sucks off all of the jager from your balls.
Much like tea bagging, but with the added enjoyment of jagermeister
by Teremy!! December 20, 2004
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jager bombs are when you have red bullor some other energy drink, drop it into one cup and chug it back. usually height of shotglass worth of red bull, a shot of jagermeister, down 'er. Gets you smashed quick.
Marty: " aw man, last night we did jager bombs and i got wasted"

Steve:"lucky! jager bombs are the greastest drink known to man"
by LADYKR0N1K420 November 9, 2008
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A fabricated person used to represent Jagermeister. "Mick Jager" is more commonly used as a subtle way to offer Jagermeister as payment for something.
Hey, would you lawn the yard for me? I hear Mick Jager is in town.
by SuperEboy July 7, 2010
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