a holly is a great person they try to be funny but sometimes in a joke they hurt someone's feelings this means holly's have some unknown enemies that hunt her down sometimes she is emotional and gets angary at people who did nothing wrong they were just there overall most people would want a holly in their life.
person 1: hey have you seen holly to day?
person 2: no sorry just avoiding her today we were playing soccer and I missed and she started slow clapping.
person 1: it's ok she does that to everyone.
person2: yeah I think I can forgive her.
by PossumIsYourPal September 17, 2020
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Wow, I wish I was Holly like her....
by Mikala328 November 24, 2012
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A Holly is one of the hardest people to read, yet you will find her extremely kind, beautiful and very funny.She is also well-known for being a beast in bed. It takes sometime to get to know her before you realise she’s not a pshyco. She sometimes finds it hard to show the love for her friends, but deep down she is hopeless without them. If she calls you a bitch, slag, slut, idiot, dickhead or anything like that, you are very lucky because she trusts you enough to know you won’t take it the wrong way.
Holly- although she might not show it- is an all round lovely girl and a great person to be around.
Liam: so you’re going out with Holly
Sam: yes g
Liam: isn’t she a bit of a weirdo?
Sam: once you get to know her, you’ll realise she’s not. But hey any girl who knows how to ride this pony is a keeper in my books.
Liam: damn I wish I had a Holly
by Daisyyydeee February 22, 2018
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Holly is extremely talented, stunning and strong minded. She has beautiful blue eyes and dark blonde hair. She could do anything she wanted to if she put her mind to it. She can dance, sing and act and makes her own judgment of people.
Holly is a person anyone could ever want to be
by mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewqmnbv December 26, 2011
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stunning, elegant, pretty girl with lots of class.

curvy body, big hair.

loved by everyone.
by millie94 October 25, 2011
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Holly’s are usually tall, with light brown hair. They know when someone is a fake friend or when they are lying. She is very outgoing and loves the outdoors, won’t put up with fake bitchy people. Holly’s are quite pretty with beautiful eyes and she is very friendly.
What’s that y’all girls name?

Oh that’s Holly
by carrotsarecool April 12, 2019
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A holly is a beautiful, amazing girl who can come across as a shy, goody-two-shoes but this is only from the outside. When you get to know a holly she'll do anything for you. I know from experience she's great at writing sexual, erotic stories which make you harder than rocks. You could masturbate on that story for hours, days, weeks without getting bored.
Holly is such a keeper man!
by sdgvc June 16, 2014
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