A dance most popular on YouTube that is worse than Gangnam Style. At the video beginning one person is dancing. Anyone else in the room are either still/simply not paying attention to the masked dancing.When the bass drops, everyone else joins in on the dancing.
"Have you seen the new Harlem Shakes on YouTube?"

"No the Harlem Shake is for idiots!"
by Crazy Motherfucker February 14, 2013
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to get loose and shake the upper bodyusing more of the waist.
look at the kids in Eve and G-dep videos they do it they just put more action and role play into it to make it look good especially the freezes.
by Harl-em-sha-keh April 19, 2003
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the act of farting in the girl's face while recieving a blow job.
Yo man last night i was gettin this mean blowjob from Megan and i forgot about the bowl of chili i had earlier that day and i let out a huge harlem heater right in her face.
by Jarid March 5, 2007
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A sexual act in which the female involved or male, depending on your preferance, is choked from behind during doggystyle. Try to time your orgasm to the moment the person passes out.
I took this crazy chick home from the bar last night and she wanted me to give her the harlem heartstopper. I did but she never woke up!!
by stinkmizzel May 10, 2009
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The act in which an individual or a group participates in smoking crack in an enclosed airtight space. Usually performed inside a car.
Yo DeSean lets close these windows and fire up a Harlem Hotbox
by 123456yhvdr5678ikjhg January 11, 2013
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The act of snorting a line of cocaine off the shaft of an African-American's erect penis.
Shaniqua, Dontrell's deek gave me such a Harlem Hangover!
by Joey Orgler October 20, 2007
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