Major Hal is an internet guru known for intelligence and humor; he's most famous for his parodys of the wigger community personified through his character L-Breezy. He also has a 14 inch penis
Dude, you totally Major Haled that test question, you're gonna get an A!

chic voiceWow, I knew you were packin, but who knew you had a Major Hal!chic voice
by Major Hal October 26, 2004
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When someone sees the inner beauty of everyone because they know physical appearance can't be helped, but personality can. Due to this, they "see" people for who they really are. A beautiful person can remain beautiful looking to them, however if their personality is ugly, the person with Shallow Hal Goggles will not be interested.

Comes from the movie Shallow Hal, in which Hal is hypnotized to see people for who they are on the inside.

Compare and contrast beer goggles.
Bob: Anthony turned down a date with the hot head cheerleader! Is he stupid?

Alice: No, he just has Shallow Hal Goggles. He's not interested in someone mean and bitchy.
by tendollarlameo July 25, 2011
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Referring to a male who is into a fat, ugly, hit up chick. They truly see the "inner beauty". See the movie to understand better.
by TotZ July 12, 2005
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“Do you go to Hal Hutchins elementary?”
“of course I do it’s one of the best elementary schools!”
by NoodlesBoy April 17, 2022
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A Lebanese saying that literally translate to, "what a frown, you cow" it is typically used when you see a friend being sad or having an indifferent expression or a frown to hype them up and make them feel better. It can also be said in a joking manner just for a laugh.
oh no! Shou Hal Ja2ra Ya Ba2ra HAHAHAHAHA
by Almazafresh March 17, 2023
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the couple thats gonna last forever
guy1; woah that couple looks so happy and they never fight

guy2; yah thats aly and hal
by icycouple April 20, 2021
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a gal with some manly characteristic, for example a lot of arm hair or a very strong jaw, generally undoable
Bill: Dude, are you really takin' that gal hal to formal?
Bob: No way man, she reminds me of Chewbacca
by Average Joe February 27, 2005
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