A "Software Engineer" that has no/limited schooling whatsoever and thinks he/she is a "Software Developer/Engineer".
a) Taking one programming class does not make you a programmer it makes you a hack.

b) Making up your own programming guidelines and automatically assuming that Microsoft is moronic makes you a hack.

c) Knowing a lot about several different programming concepts, but not following conventions makes you a hack.
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"Man , ah` am completely hacked"
by William Warney July 7, 2009
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To really,really get inside a female/male while sexual intercourse just to really get something huge out of it.
Jack: I was hacking into Leslie, now I really have what I want. ;) Oh baby.
by browngirlsdonttakebs April 20, 2009
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1) The act of swinging legs or arms profusely.

2) Any one who does something awful.
by Hack McHackerson December 9, 2013
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A crap person, in particular a celebrity whose work is crap.
Jerry Bruckheimer is a hack.
by YeOldeJeremy May 29, 2005
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Every guy I know named Hack turned out to be OK.
by dictionary April 9, 2003
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A hacker is someone specialised with computers, they don't even have to know how to hack (though alot do because they find security holes).

A cracker is someone who breaks into computers
Linus Torvalds is a great hacker

Kevin Mitwick was a great cracker
by ReVoLT March 21, 2005
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