An Awesome..Amazing..Kick ass person! A guy who is hella funny and ALWAYS makes you Laugh! Plays Call of Duty Like a BEAST! Always says "Yo" and "Niggah" alot...Just a great Guy!
Damn...Have you met Herb? He is AMAZING"
by Vegas Chick August 11, 2010
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weed no doubt
or a dumb stupid corny weak mutha fucka
"Light that herb up!"
"Some nigazz get herb 'round here"
by M.O.N. June 11, 2004
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a herb is someone who lacks the necessary social skills. their aura is negative, and they contribute nothing to the conversations they participate in
why do you have to be such a fucking herb all the time?
by sayanything25 January 9, 2009
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a pest. a person who turns out to be the kind of friend you don't really want around, but can't seem to get rid of. The kind of person who has no life and sends spam emails to a bunch of people he he barely knows just so he can feel like he is communicating and has a life. The kind of person who is not above using emotional blackmail to get you to be friends with them.
that guy is such a herb! I never respond to his emails and the creep calls me out of the blue last night to bullshit. he needs to get a life!
by kahoutek July 7, 2009
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young bull #1: yo get that herb last night
young bull #2: yea nigga i felt high as bitch
by nikka bull April 22, 2010
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1. the act of masturbating with your hand in your pocket 2. smoking marijuana 3. smoking marijuana while masturbating with your hand in your in your pocket
That guy must be herbing, he has a blunt in one hand and he has his other hand in his pocket.
by Sex E. Steve August 13, 2011
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Typically a person who tries too hard to fit in. They are lost in society and desperately try to find what superficial identity suits them best. They put on an act to be someone who they are not to please others. They walk, talk and act a way in which they consider to be hip or cool. Most people can spot these kind of people dead on due to the very fact they often try way too hard.
hahah look at that kid he's bumping drake in a ford taurus that has chromed out rims and he's wearing a leather fitted cap... what a herb!
by jenksx520 August 7, 2011
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