When white people in the south blame white people in the north for the KKK and slavery because their racist past makes them feel guilt. Then they turn around and say how horrible Abraham Lincoln is for starting the War of Northern Aggression and hang a Confederate flag on their porch
“I think there was a cachet about having an African-American president because of white guilt.” - Bachmann explaining why all the northern states voted for Obama because they feel bad for starting the KKK and slavery and opposed civil rights
by Champion of Truthiness March 27, 2014
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When a white person panders to a black person just because they're black and they think somehow they hurt them in some way even though they have literally never interacted with them in their entire life. You might see stories on the news of white families taking in black children or white families inviting a black guy that's not even related to them for thanksgiving. It's white guilt because it pretty much never happens with any other race and only white people do it.
Becky: Hey yo go to the homeless shelter and pick out 15 pour souls and invite them to our Thanksgiving dinner
John: Ok

1 hour later
John: Ok I got 15 guys (shows selfie with each one)
Becky: Ok... wait why are they all black?
John: um
white guilt
by Hamburger harold November 25, 2021
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feeling bad cuz you have more than other people
My liberal guilt always kicks in when I go out and party and spend $200 in one night on nothing but booze for my honey and me when that same $200 could feed a village in West Virginia.
by ___________________1 September 18, 2008
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An expression of guilt that occurs after a particularly smelly bowel movement in a public restroom, seen by someone about to use the same stall. The expression usually includes an immediate downward gaze after initial eye contact followed by a look of panic and fear.
The man that came out of the restroom gave me the Poo Guilt look before I went in... I knew I was doomed...
by The Weem @ SLO July 9, 2009
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A tactic for manipulation. Both to make someone feel bad about something, and just be an attention whore on Social Media.
This dude has been guilt tripping his followers on Twitter all because he wants attention.”
by MasonThe2nd July 26, 2020
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When a girl makes you feel guilty for cumming in/on her
Her: "I feel so gross now that you have cum in me."
Him: "Wow, way to make me feel cum guilt."
by DTrickle February 1, 2011
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When your alcoholic father goes on a inebriated rage and the next day he feels guilty and buys you something of great value.
One night:
Your dad: "IM GONNA KILL YOU!"
The next day:
Your dad: "Hey im sorry about last night champ, guess what? Were going to go to Disney World!"
You: "Dad, this is just another Guilt Gift..."
by Ryuk-kun-x3 April 21, 2011
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