Gran Nan, a term used to replace Nan, is a term used to make you nan seem more superior, and also stating that she likes to rob banks and smoke bongs
You have a boring old nan, I have a gran nan, loser
by Dildonian monster June 24, 2017
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Yo homie, pass me la grin gran. I'm about to pack this bowl.

Pass me la grin gran, which is Spanish for grinder of course.
by i_hate_deb August 19, 2011
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Italian for Gran Touring, or touring car racing.

Gran Turismo is also a videogame series that got really boring, really quickly. Unless you like to stare at a playstation screen for several hours a day, don't bother with anything more than the first one.
Despite owning Gran Turismo 3 since 2001, I'm still only on 51% complete because the game sucks too much for me to play it more than once every couple of months.
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 17, 2004
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Gran Torino is when you skeet all over a girl, then you drag your butt across her body making car noises.
"Yeah, man. I totally Gran Torino'd that hoe last night."
by SkrillaVanillian June 21, 2009
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A racing video game for ps2 with over 600 cars, over 60 tracks, and some ridiculously long endurance races.
by 5'11"Racer September 24, 2006
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The after effects of playing Gran Turismo for long amounts of time include: The urge to ram other cars on the road while driving in real life; the desire to go as fast as your car possibly can; the yearning to pass four cars on one turn of the road.
LaTrez: Yo! I've been trying to crash all these bitches up on the highway.
Dee: Sounds like you've got Gran Turismo hangover
by LaTrez Nash September 1, 2013
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The younger, better looking, more relevant little sister of Gran Turismo 4, albeit being dumber, more ridiculous, less sophisticated, unrevolutionary, blonder, less compatible, more inarticulate than her sibling.

Still immensely great fun to look at, play with, and to go to sleep dreaming of it.
Eg. 1) Comparing Gran Turismo 5 to Gran Turismo 4 is like Serena Williams to Venus Williams - both are ridiculously brilliant, have been world champions, and are still the best in their league, but the older has been more spectacular in a field of spectacularness.

Eg. 2) I played Gran Turismo 5 today, and went to sleep dreaming of camber, toe, dampers, spring rates, drafting, fuel conservation, turbos, intercoolers, racing lines, and cars that are sexier and more distracting than the semi-naked Jessica Alba sitting in it.
by Mr. Go May 14, 2011
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