When someone says this to you. there is no coming back. It's the worst insult you could probably imagine.
You will instantly die and you will hear a giant oof.
jeff: go commit toaster bath.
luke: go commit oof.
Jeff:*dies and makes the oof sound
by ur granny tranny 690 April 11, 2019
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When you are told to Go commit death yourself then you will die instantly.
Bob: Go commit deathpacito *dabs*
Jeffery: Go commit death yourself.
Bob: *dies*
Jeffery *dies*
by Deadmememan February 27, 2020
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a truly idiotic phrase used on the idiotic game roblox as a replacement for go kill yourself.
Man: I hate you
Woman: Idc, go commit leave game
by TheIntelligentBlackKid October 13, 2018
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go commit neck rope is ordering the other person to hang their self but because of the roblox filter it get censored

commonly used by despacito spider or bacon hair

there are: commit die
commit bath toaster
in roblox
oder 1: i hope we stay together
oder2 :me too
despacito spider: can you do us a favor and go commit neck rope please?
by May nar. September 6, 2019
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To overdose in a airport on highly illegal drugs.
I’m going to go commit Juice wrld in the middle of the chicago airport.
by Daddy Shrimp Dick January 8, 2021
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Uh realy bad thyng tu say 2 somwun. Is reely meen
"go commit die"
then he die
by BigBoiSeth November 1, 2018
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“Go commit are have stupid” is an alternative to saying “Go be stupid”.
ROBLOX Player 1: “Lol you suck at maths”.
ROBLOX Player 2: “Go commit are have stupid”.
ROBLOX Player 1: *are have stupid*.
by You are have stupid March 21, 2019
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