When 2 guys shove their erect penises into a girl's ears, causing her to look like Frankenstein's monster from Mary Shelley's classic novel.
Billy and Corey totally Frankenstein'd Collette last night; it was awesome.
by FrankensteinsMonster June 8, 2011
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When a person is giving head and then bites off the penis. They then swallow it and shit it out. The person who had their dick bit off then sews it back on and pile drives the person who bit it off.
Hey Robby the way you frankensteined me last night has me feeling woozy.
by GatorDixJP January 4, 2023
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Lanky ugly guy, bolt through his neck, smells like poo
Joe Stevenson from CCC yr 12
by Ben Soh May 6, 2005
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1) Jay McNamara
2) Creepy guy named victor who created the monster
1) "Jay, you are Frankenstein"
2) "M. Frankenstien, will you be dining here or being killed by you're eight foot monster?"
by Akbar shabaz jenkins November 6, 2003
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An adjective describing something that is not only supremely cool, but supremely original. For use only in rare situations.
"Hey man, look at this bitchin' new gameboy I stole!" "Dude, thats mo' fuggin' Frankenstein!"
by The Brown Barbarian November 10, 2005
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To eat so much ecstasy that your face contours into a frankenstein like pose.
Person one:
Did you see Jack last night?
Person two:
Did I. He got so frankensteined he spilled eight drinks on himself and burned a hole in a trampoline.
by bperfan420 August 1, 2003
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A circumcised penis with a scar on the shaft and a gutted frenulum.
Look at the poor guy tug on his mutilated Frankenstein Penis. Glad I’m uncircumcised I hear they don’t get as much pleasure.
by Where is my foreskin May 26, 2020
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