(fro•DO•shop) n. v. the software you use to copy and paste your friends heads on LOTRs photos that you scrape off the internet usually to send via email.
I frodo-shopped Darren's head onto Gollum's body and posted it in my myspace pics.
by SAMMER OF THE GODS June 2, 2006
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In gaming circles this term describes the tendency of players to mimic during their next character creation the main character from the most recient movie they've seen.
"So let me get this straight... you want to play a halfling rogue, with a magic ring, a glowing dagger, a powerful wizard friend, and some magic armour handed down by your grandfather? Sure... FRODO."
by Douge February 24, 2005
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When a man's sexual partner receives a mouthful of ejaculate during fellatio and allows the fluid to bubble out of his/her mouth while the man chants "share the load" softly nearby.
Johnny was so keen to see Mary perform the Foaming Frodo that he blew his load prematurely.
by Krankenzimmer September 30, 2013
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When a group of males ejaculate onto the feet of one participant. This is followed by all the males shaving their pubic hair onto the feet of the participant. The dry semen acts as a glue which keeps the hair on. Called a Dirty Frodo because in the unedited version of Lord of the Rings, Frodo receives one from all members of the fellowship.
Pervert 1: "Dude, you see that Sally chick? She passed out at a party and everyone else gave her a dirty frodo."

Pervert 2:"Radical dude!"

Regular dude: "You guys are fuckin wierd"
by Tristan the Man April 8, 2007
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"matthew, take off your pants and let me give frodo a kiss."
by loose killa May 25, 2009
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When likeable fictional character turns into a sad, depressing or annoying character.

Also known as FOBA syndrome and Frodo Baggins syndrome
Ever since Jane died, Jesse has had such a Frodo syndrome!
by Psychoottinen November 11, 2014
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The act of jizzing on a girl's feet and throwing your pubes on them to resemble the feet of a hobbit.
Tim: Girl you have some pretty feet.
Jill: Thanks.
Tim: I'd love to give you a Frodo Baggins.
Jill: Well, I do love pubes.
by bryri December 4, 2010
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