Once on the cover of Forbes Magazine as a highly successful business tycoon, The Donald, known more recently as the Flim-Flamist in Chief, is now widely recognized as having orchestrated one of the most widely believed fake news stories ever.
by Dr Bunnygirl May 13, 2019
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A person or situation of extreme absurdity and or/foolishness. Something that causes one to disbelieve what they've seen and/or heard. An appearance so foul as to deter one from engaging in contact.
mMn, did you seen wtf that chick had on? That was some flim flam fuckery
by Aj Ghost October 18, 2010
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To be unreal and not true to what one says. A bunch of hoggwash, fake, nonsense.
The rappers we listen to today be on flim flam. The rap fairy tale lifestyles that are not real.
by mrrockstarallday May 18, 2016
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To be roasted, called out, or criticized by a person of higher authority
by Aliciousness May 7, 2016
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1. A rocky and staggeringly tall cliff
2. green and shiny bling
3. Magnesium in an excited state.
That nigga fell off that steep ass flim 'em flam, and totally fucked up his flim 'em flam.

Flim 'em flam burns when it is on your skin.
by KLEARN December 5, 2006
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Used by immature kids (usually ones that are into the 70s) to describe something either "spiffy", or cool.

This word lines up along with "Golly!" and "Gee Whillikers!"
Kid 1: So, what did you do yesterday?

Kid 2: Oh, man! I saw this car, it was so Flim Flam Flammy my eyes almost popped out of my head!!
by ILikePuddingPops April 17, 2007
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The act of hiding out in the bathroom to avoid an unfavorable task.
Leo: "where you been?"
Todd: "I saw you fuckers practicing PLF's so I pulled a shit house flim flam."
by AlexLewis November 17, 2016
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