Slang; see penis. Often used to describe a large penis, it can also be used to describe a "average-sized" one or a small one.
My husband's dong is tiny.
Did you see his dong?!
My dong is massive and powerful!
by Chantal Charisse July 28, 2004
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To snapchat a female with a full blown erection that is visible on the screen, as long as you can, without her noticing.
Yo dude! I donged Sydney last night so bad! It took a few hours before she noticed and started to send me nudes!
by Idongedyourmother February 24, 2014
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1. Colloquial term for the penis.
2. An idiot. Similar to referring to someone as a cock, prick...etc
1. I have a fat dong.
2. Dave is a right dong!
by Law July 10, 2004
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Colloquial vulgar expression, referring to the male genitalia, especially the penis.
by GuidoPosse69 February 8, 2005
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A reference to the Nintendo franchise Donkey Kong. The Dong is a reference to Donkey Kong himself. It is mainly used because almost all of Donkey Kong's portraits portray him with a massive erection.
Dude, the Dong expanded upon me. Thats why i lost that minigame.
by The N64 Expansion pack May 21, 2017
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A penis of unusually high weight/mass/girth.
"Did you see the size of his dong?"
"Yeah, it weighed 3 pounds!"
by Hansome Harry October 8, 2007
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A slang term used by the daily fantasy writing community to describe a home run in the game of baseball
Mike Trout hit a 420 foot dong tonight
by RSandersRX May 26, 2015
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