sexual position in which the man does a hand stand will the girl is giving him a blow job, then they both spin until they take flight.
Guy: "so last night me and Becky tried the Smaciarz Copter."
by fnhmn January 26, 2009
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n. The greatest person ever created. No reason to why they are the greatest or even who the person is. Some say it is Clint Eastwood. Some say it's a boy living in Michigan. But know one knows for sure.
Hey man take out the trash for me!

No fuck off i dont gotta

Who do you think you are?! John Copter or something?! motherfucker you just might be...

You know it bitch!
by Hutman93 August 18, 2009
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The ancient relative to Thanos Car but heres the catch; it can fly.
Guy 1: Yo dude Thanos Car, Thanos Car
(guy two takes a deep breath)
Guy 2: Let me (an intellectual) enlighten you with Thanos Copter, Thanos Copter
by Garfbob.Fieldpants October 4, 2018
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when a guy hangs on a chandelier while a girl gives him a blow job while they spin in circles on the chandelier until then fall off
I invited my girl friend over to have a orgasmo-copter

by alecds July 27, 2008
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After getting a hard-on and taking off your pants, you move your hips in a circular motion so your dick looks like a helicopter blade spinning
how hilarious would it be if i just got up right now in the middle of class and just wienie coptered
by Gayle McAdams September 20, 2006
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A modern dance move created by a rather drunken sunflower.
Usually performed to filthy dubstep, but can be modified to suit any tune.

Anyone can do it, just drink the majority of a goon, and swing the near-empty sack above your head in a helicopter fashion.
He was so goon-drunk that he even whipped out the goon-copter!
by June 4, 2010
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Made by the flappy bird person. It is like flappy bird, but like 1,000,000,000,000,000x harder.
Person 1: "Have you heard of swing copters?"
Person 2: "No, what is it?"
Person 1: "It is a game made by the flappy bird people."
Person 2: "Fuck me!"
by Jag5536 August 31, 2014
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