Like peapod but for college with more stuff. Good in the clutch and they deliver same day.
Dude I need a case if water and some easy mac but I don't want to go to the store. Just order from go campus.
by The don 13 December 14, 2013
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A nosy piece of shit whose only purpose in life is to pop up out of no where and spoil your plans while on school grounds. These motherfuckers ain't got shit else to do but sniff sniff you out on campus, peer through the little crack in the bathroom stall while your mans is sucking you down on the toilet and giving you series and shit, and ruin the fun! Instead of joining in, these bitches will write you up and get you expelled, and just ruin your whole mother fucking day, so if you see one, steer clear and DONT let them catch you fucking!
"Oh shit, here comes a campus monitor. Hurry up and pull your skirt down!"
by Zerealdankbeauteh March 1, 2018
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Someone who attracts a lot of people. If female guys often crush on her and her friends always ask her out. Vis Versa for boys. Usually extroverted, Kind, attractive, 50/50 chance of them being mixed. The best significant other a guy or girl could ask for. If one of these gains a crush on you consider yourself the luckiest person on earth.
Joe: what do you even see in him? Doesn't ever girl like him?
Gina: He's sweet, friendly, funny and cute. He's a campus crush.
by RayDoesnotLikeUsers November 4, 2021
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any booty on campus
look at all this campus booty
by Tru3Godz April 6, 2015
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The term used for taking a road trip to another college campus. This usually, but doesn't have to, include partying while at the new campus to the point where you have to crawl home from all the "extra curriculum" that you have partook in.
Broadrick: "Hey bro Texas plays Texas A&M in College Station this weekend and there's a huge concert this weekend there also."
Jaijoe: "So this means we're going to campus crawl to A&M right?"
Broadrick: "You already know!"
by Dallas Entourage September 10, 2012
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An organization in Columbus, Ohio that purports to revitalize neighborhoods in the Ohio State University area. They are notorious for pushing out independent businesses and bringing in corporate ones.
Campus hasn't been the same since campus partners shut down Insomnia and brought in Starbucks.
by botey October 2, 2006
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A lame website where stupid college kids can rant about each other, often calling each other "sluts", "whores", or other names.
"That Rachel bitch is such a slut, she sleeps with everyone". - A typical entry on Juicy Campus.
by Monday Afternoon November 10, 2008
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