a category of liberals who base all their facts from Buzzfeed.com
"Did you hear what she was saying? It's like she was reading word for word from a Buzzfeed Article"
"Yeah shes a Buzzfeed Liberal"
by P3ssyDestroyer6969 July 26, 2016
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the worst kind of feminism. these cunts will write the stupidest shit I have heard.
for example: the're like ISIS to muslims. they give them a bad name.
you either like or don't like buzzfeed feminism.
by elongatedmuscrat69 December 18, 2018
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The act of twirling ones hair around, typically the index finger, and then rubbing that hair on lips or on other fingers. Usually done while watching YouTube videos (Buzzfeed in specific) just for comfort.
Come feel my buzzfeed hair, it’s so soft!
by Buzzfeedmaster69 January 21, 2018
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The type of feminism that BuzzFeed sells online, all the while making the actual feminists (who have their head on straight and are trying to do actual good) look really bad. These people are also referred to as Feminazis and SJW Feminists
I hate how BuzzFeed Feminism draw all the attention and make the actual feminist movement look like a bunch of SJWs who were locked in a cage for 2 or 3 years.
by ugnsriket September 2, 2017
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A mini show on the YouTube channel for BuzzFeed blue created and ran by paranormal believer Ryan bergara and his skeptical friend Shane madej
Guy 1:ah man did you see the latest episode of BuzzFeed unsolved.
Guy 2: yeah man Ryan is a total crybaby shaniacs for life
Guy 1: nah man i am a believer so boogaras for life!
by The Greek God Mark December 8, 2017
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A YouTube series with two dumbasses who are friends. They investigate supernatural stuff and unsolved crimes. It’s really fcking funny. Also the tall man might be a demon:/
Buzzfeed Unsolved
Ryan: *gets possessed and thrown across the room, eyes glowing red*
Shane: “strong wind you got there”
by Nookiethemomeater July 29, 2019
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BuzzFeed is a website that culls all its content from Reddit.
by Dilly D. December 13, 2011
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