Someone who is being a bitch and a cunt simultaneously. Commonly a female but can also be a male. Not to be confused with the baseball term.
Night Hawk: "Dude my roommate flipped the fuck out on me when I took her clothes out of the washer."

Dragon: "Yeah your roommate is definitely a bunt."
by Xevil November 1, 2011
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1. A combo between bitch and cunt.
2. Someone who is a bitch and cunt at the same time.
3. 1/2 Bitch + 1/2 Cunt = 1 Bunt
Cheryl is being a real fucking bunt today. God I'll love kick her in the baby maker.
by Joe Nissim October 3, 2005
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1. To kick out your skateboard mid trick, and not land whatever you were trying.

2. To make a harsh claim that you are going to do a trick at a spot, and you don't fulfill this claim.
1. "Oh man, James just ditched that switch kickflip. What a bunt"

2. James said he was going to switch kickflip the 4 stair, but he bunted."
by MapleMaple April 27, 2006
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A popular saying when a bowl of marijuana has been thoroughly smoked.
by dewth3dew April 7, 2012
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Rubbish, crap, useless, boring, generally negative.
by Lawrence Robinson August 16, 2006
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a word we have created that has the same meaning as 'c**t" so u do not get in trouble from teachers....u can yell out bunt as loud as u want
guy:walter ur such a bunt
teacher:wat did u say!!
guy:bunt! B_U_N_T
teacher:oooh ok thats fine :)
by apersoninabox September 14, 2010
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Refers to an individual in a profanitive way, regarding the person in question as being slightly more annoying than a bint, but not quite as extreme as a 'cunt'. Hence, Bunt.
Kayleigh you bunt face, stop eating my cheese.

Lucy you bunt, sort your gash fro out!!

Bunt off!
by Kayles and lloydy! April 19, 2006
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