The word originates from Melbourne in South Eastern Australia. It is used to describe a particuler happening on the foosball table but its usage has been extended to encompass other sports, and even professional activities.

'Booning' describes when a foos player is reading his opposition's play so completely, you might say he's reading it like a a dirty, smutty, sex a Mills & Boon novel!! You're being booned!
Don: You got nothin Ivan
Ivan: Your Momma got nothin Don
Don: I'm booning you man - you're my Mills
by stroby1 August 27, 2008
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What booger eating moron hillbillies in the sticks do for entertainment. Get into the back of a pickup truck with a bottle of BOON's Farm wine, and then play chicken with a tree.
Get drunk, give a hummer, go boon.
by Patty Donovan January 18, 2005
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my boons crack so hard that they're bout to break
by bjukitjuunas August 26, 2019
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Inspired by Cassidy Boon, this word is used as an insult meaning the person is too into themselves and they think they rule the world and can do whatever they want
Stop being so up yourself, you boon
by Iamhim October 20, 2015
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Boon is a word used to call someone a noob since boon backwards is "noob"
Person 1: Bro you're such a boon man.
Person 2: What the fuck is a boon?
by Aspirree August 21, 2021
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English language is a boon A-level. You’ll get nowhere in life!
by Xxx_McLovin_xxX October 19, 2021
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the act of being fucked off ur ass on ketamine.
Noah - Hey brayden im straight booning right now.
by slothgang May 22, 2020
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