"Mom put it on the list. We gotta get some bolo."
by OneMind999 March 12, 2018
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The best thing to say when you win a 1vs1, perfected by the streamer Thebausffs, also called by Tyler1 The buffies.
Ennemy toplane just golo solo bolo'd.
by Circumsized September 13, 2020
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When a man wraps another man’s ballsack around his penis and proceeds to thrust into the ballsack until he ejaculates.

To an objective observer the two men’s penises hanging side-by-side with the ballsack in the middle resemble the classic Western necktie.
Dude 1, “Hey, what are you doing with my ballsack?”

Dude 2, “Wrapping it around my penis, after which I will proceed to thrust into it until I ejaculate.”

Objective observer, “Oh, a bolo tie. Classy.”
by martinslips June 7, 2016
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Guy 1: Dude, I saw this guy fall of a roof into a pile of poop.
Guy 2: Teh bolo
by El Spacio de Aboros April 8, 2005
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The biggest Baddass in the history of Chinese Cinema. Also known as Chinese Hercules, Yang Sze, and Bolo. Bolo was a bodybuilder and martial artist prior to working in films. He is a massive physical pressence in every film he has appeared in, and he is usually the vilian's right hand man.

Bolo has appeared in films such as Enter the Dragon, Breathing Fire, Bloodsport and a movie series that he wasn't a villian in, Shootfighter

Bolo has worked with Bruce Lee, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jim Kelly, and Fatty, whom he killed in his all time greatest picture, which he also directed,Bolo

As a side note, Bolo swam from China to Hong Kong to escape Communism.
Bolo Yeung is one of the original bad boys of chinese cinema!
by DeeTox December 24, 2005
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Swinging huge, not so accurate, knock out strength punches, the type of punch Bolo Yeung would throw.
This redneck took a swing at me last night so i started throwing bolo's and knocked him clean out.
by Hooky82 August 1, 2006
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A name given by Just Cause 2 fans to Bolo Santosi, due to her flirtatious slutty behavior, but primarily because the player can't admit that the Reapers are the best faction in Panau.
My name is Bolo Santoswhore. I am the leader of the revolutionary army known as the Rapers. Our Goal is for the people of Panau to break the chains of bondage and rise up as one. I hear you are looking for *able-bodied... comrades*. You are the Scorpio no? I hear you are very... *skilled*.
by Silent Dogwood November 5, 2011
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