he is the inaccessible popular boy that all girls want (me first). He is handsome and makes everyone laugh. skate and love football. has bad taste for girls (it's true).
"Antoine? He is too handsome but I never spoke to him"
"Antoine? The skater boy? Too inaccessible"
Antoine R
by Ala.ska November 21, 2021
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A name given to a male who has a BIG cock he usually go for girls not for or pussy ,but go for personality he is a person who keep to himself and observe what’s going around him and gives good advice because of his observentness.
Antoine is a wonderful person to be around but he doesn’t like being around people
by Genna phill November 22, 2021
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The most amazing person ever. Very caring and nice. He’ll compliment you whenever he gets the chance, and tries to find any excuses to talk to you. He’s very handsome, and he’s super kind to everyone.
by clovers_ May 10, 2022
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Antoine has the biggest cock ever found on earth. Ladies legs are shaking just after looking at him, he doesn’t even need to touch a women to make her have an orgasm. He’s probably the best in my opinion. (His dick tastes good)
Girl: Isn’t it Antoine right the.. re.. OHHHHHH ! I have an orgasm !!!

Antoine: Calm down bitch
by Masterclassakhy November 22, 2021
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You know Antoine? Yea he’s so cool.
by PiperPipeRm November 24, 2021
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Antoine a pale man ,very gay with blue eyes. If you meet an Antoine you are out of luck these people are typically pathetic hype beasts. The people that Antoine's are attracted to are usually black or Arab men. The women that Antoine's date are most often Arab. Antoine's love music and are naturally talented on guitar. don't be discouraged if you love him he pretends to be homophobic to protect himself from love, but if you get to know him he will love you with all his heart , if you break up with him he will be heart broken and will never trust himself to date again
Person 1: yo have you seen that guy
Person 2: yeah he looks pathetic
Person 1:yeah I know he's an Antoine
by Post Man Tim Tom December 17, 2019
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