When a woman drags her vagina across a mans body.
My woman gave me a drag along right before I did her dirty!
by Amber the Great December 24, 2010
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An infamous runescape youtuber known only for his introduction. Rumors say he conquered puberty others say he is the stig all we know is his name is Snail Along and he'll see you next time
runescape nerd 1: I wish I was Snail Along
PantherPro: me 2 noob me 2
by IAmJesusandHeisZacharias November 15, 2016
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When a gay friend either male or female uses the protection of a group of all males or all females in order not to get jumped.
Homo Joe is in our group and tags along as our fag-along.
by simpson_krissie July 17, 2008
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an alternative to mustache ride; sitting on the face of a person (male or female) with a mustache while receiving oral sex.
Dude did you see that girl's mustache? Yeah I'd like to take a stache-along on her face.
by stache-along fan April 3, 2012
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to be in a happy and carefree state, particularly regarding contentedness relating to sexual prospects, satisfaction etc
I and I is bunglin' along for she is at I's bed awaitin'
by jonesbot June 25, 2004
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some guy who just tags along or goes with what ever you say just to get in your pants. He is dependent on you, but once it gets boring he'll hop over to someone else's bed or pants (whatever you prefer). A dick-along is also what an envious boy or girl says when they are jealous of somebody's so called loyal boyfriend.
Max: Wow John is whipped.
Fred: Nah, he's just Amy's dick-along.

Ally: Did you ever meet Jessie's new boyfriend?
Jane: Oh' you mean Kevin?
Ally: Yea isn't he sweet?
Jane: *scoffs* no he's just a dick-along (she's thinking he really belongs with her).
by ccP@iG3xox ya know October 3, 2008
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the act of one or both partners cumming on an index card, using said card to give each other papercuts on the genitalia, and then sending the blood/jizz covered card to a parent of one of the partners.
My wife and i are gonna Pass it along to her father this weekend.
by Cocklips February 6, 2009
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