A group of homophobic idiots who spend their time making countless hateful posters because no one gives them the time of day. They also have incest.
The WestBoro Baptist Church a.k.a Fred Phillips are homophobic ass wholes.
by kissmyacccccccccccebabe March 2, 2011
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1. noun- Twenty two inch rims
2. syn- Twankie Dueces
Ballin outta control, that guys got some dub dueces! Yeah dubs just arent gettin chics anymore, duece dueces are the shizat now.
by Dr. Victor M December 18, 2002
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Iloveinosukestfu also known as Inosuke’s wife, these bitches really wanna try me into thinking that Inosuke loves them, like stop being so obsessed with me I know you want to be me like bitch, Inosuke wouldn’t come for your fucking down syndrome looking ass with that ugly ass yellow stained teeth dumb ass hoe. Shut your skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan Indiana Jones overgrown flintstone x and y hormone friendzone Sylvester Stallone Sierra Leone autozone professionally seen silver patrone ching Chong lin long suck my ding dong headass remote control autism down syndrome stage four terminal brain cancer O'Riley autoparts silver bronze ash amino UV light pen sushi ram ramen Harisson Ford gamer bitch ass Virgin lamp thermometer lean mean string bean Charlie Sheen limousine canteen trampoline serpentine anti histamine wolverine submarine unclean nectarine broken gene Halloween detective spleen smoke screen James Dean putting green tiny peen anti vaccine aquamarine eugene extra green nicotine vaseline jelly bean magazine protein Lightning McQueen vending machine what'chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitch. Inosuke wouldn’t like your ass anyways dumb ass. Try and comment down on my videos saying “Inosuke is mine” and I’ll come over there and violate your ass. Inosuke wouldn’t come for that big forehead of yours bitch, I said what I said.
That mf got skid marks, still love him tho <3

You: “OMG HI INOSUKE IM A BIG FAN OF YOU PLEASE KISS ME 🥺🥺🥺😖😖😖😖😣😣😣😣😣😞😞😞😞😞🥺🥺😢😩😩😩😩😩😓😓😓😥😥😥😥🥺🥺🥺”

Inosuke: “ew no yo cooter cat stinks like tuna bitch go get that shit checked out and get the fuck away😨”

iloveinosukestfu A.K.A Inosukes known favorite wife
by Inosukes most known wife May 23, 2021
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Melih is know by many names: Fuze Tea, Maggie, Maggi, Crocky, Dr Oetker, Wessim and Magnum
Ewa, Melih A.K.A Fuze Tea
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When one genital sack is becomes sweaty and adjutated. this can result in a rash.
GUY:God Damn S. S. S.
by Stiffanie May 27, 2005
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This task involves not only dexterity and concentration, but fortitude and omnipotence. Although it may only be performed at the bed of the Tigress and Euphrates rivers, the successful performance of such a task grants one eternal companionship with lord Hades.

The Task:

1. Dab thy finger with Dijon mustard. (Must be Dijon)

2. Prepare thy lady for a sweep of the vaginal innards.

3. The Round About, sweep thy arm in a clockwise fashion with the dexterity of 1000 Gazelles in the direction of thy female clit button.

4. Contact! Graze the flesh of the young mistress at a 56 degree angle to create enough friction, to burn the young lamb shank.

5. Continue thy motion in a seamless flow. The ladies Clit Command Center has now suffered an extreme loss of epidermal surface and central control.

6. Finish by bellowing " your flesh will beckon within the chambers of hell my lady,"

7. Wash your hands.
ex. Upon gathering fruit at the bed of the Tigress river, a feline dwarf approached pleading for a gift. Of course I responded by performing the Lithuanian Clit Brush Burn A.K.A Clit Bomb
by EskapadeMus March 13, 2011
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