The best house in a small college town in WI. It is named so because of the brownish color, but the girls inside are the greatest and hottest partiers in the whole college. 8 shithouse girls forever!
John: Did you hear about that awesome party tonight?

Jake: Yeah man it's at the shithouse i wouldn't miss it for the WORLD..those girls are great!!
by rentflejs November 9, 2005
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noun: vulgar slang
1. A toilet.
2. A messy place, like an outdoor toilet.
3. Description of a person who is drunk to the point of being a complete mess.
I've had such a shitty week. I just want to get shithouse tonight.
by droneprime December 14, 2013
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Some thing that has gone wrong
say it instead in shit
sounds better
by levi & oliver November 24, 2008
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What really drunk people confuse with "shitfaced".
drunk dude: "I am so shithoused right now."
smart dude: "You mean you're so shitfaced right now."
by jampony April 22, 2007
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Hey, did you see or what? Man that that shit is badass!
by Dagwood April 27, 2004
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Popularized by proud pedophile, Geoffrey Leonard. Shithouse Bastard refers to one(usually journalists) that continuously asks private questions about you and your underage male love-slaves.
Journalist: Mate, im not a 13 year old boy. You cant intimidate me, Geoffrey.

Geoffrey: You are a shithouse bastard!
by funnydoodette August 17, 2008
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