dane cooks padded cement truck and when he drives his friends are in back spinning. and he feeds them watermelon jolly ranchers. cuz watermelon is teh best kind of jolly rancher and if you say its not and green apple is i will stab you in the jaw.
tHE CT- 2004 is my new ride.
by the brother May 2, 2006
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The first experiment in rigging electronic voting machines to see if it succeeds in stealing an election. It worked.
Cool, Election 2004 was a resounding success. Republicanazis were able to steal another election. Now on to 08.
by AntiGop April 22, 2005
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DoucheFest 2004:

Seven Countries, Twelve Contestants, Thirty varieties of artificial and tropical vaginal yeasts and fungus.

Ten million dollars awarded to the one who can survive it all--with a single douche.

*- Commonly confused with DeutschFest.
Clark: "Yo man, did you see the last episode of DoucheFest 2004?"
Bernard: "Nah."
Clark: "Chloe shoved nails in Amanda's douche, and Amanda suffered vaginal hemmoraghes! It was so funny, Chloe was awarded twenty DouchePoints!"
by BooRadley October 15, 2004
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A vehicle that is surprisingly similar to a cement truck, because that's what it is. Popularized by Dane Cook.
"I was driving around in my CT 2004, when i noticed that i noticed i jizzed in my pants"
by xfuzzballx February 12, 2009
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The year of birth in-between the 2000s kid generation and the 2010s kid generation. We were too young to fully experience 9/11 but came of age at a time of corrupt politicians and economic recession. Those who didn't play sports, participate as school leaders, have siblings (aka were only children), or become porn addicts likely looked into games and/or advancing memes to hide from the late 2010s's hardships.
A few 2004 kids might've been old enough to delve into Club Penguin, but more-so they played Minecraft and Call of Duty into oblivion until they were teenagers, and switched to social media like Instagram and Snapchat. 2004 kids were thankfully old enough to dodge Fortnite, but now trend in formerly-"cringe" TikTok.
by WhoDatFreshBoi March 24, 2022
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a) the day we americans re-elected the asshole that killed off so many Iraqis and even our own soldiers

b) the day we americans re-elected the asshole who put us in the deepest national debt since the Great Depression

c) the day we americans re-elected the asshole who wants to merge church and state and is against 2 guys kissing but not 20 terrorists fucking up our nation

d) the day we americans did not elect the other idiot (kerry) who probably would have done just as bad a job but at least he wasn't a fucking right-winger

e) the day i almost shot myself, america is so stupid
i can't believe that all you fuckers listened to the goddamn ads that said to "VOTE BUSH: presidential election 2004". America's fucked. So next time, can we please elect billie joe armstrong? who has been running ever since 2000?
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The time when the American public must decide who they want to fuck up their country for the next 4 years.
Flip a quarter and vote accordingly...
by Godfather August 7, 2004
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