Example of a compound word:


If the Englishlanguage used more compoundwords:
Compound words
by IntergalactalEnergy August 6, 2023
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A word that is spelled so badly, there is no possible way to understand what the word was supposed to be. You may not even be able to understand the word from the clues and context it is used in.
Vomit Words are words like:



by Diriector_Doc December 21, 2017
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Enlightened remarks and advice regarding the subject of urination.
I occasionally have difficult/embarrassing issues when I need to pee really bad, and so I always appreciate it when fellow cool dudes give me their words of whizdom (for example, to carry a blue shop-towel in my pocket instead of a regular white paper towel, since these more-robust-fiber towels doesn't rapidly disintegrate if they get wet, and so said sturdy material can more-reliably "see me through" if I hafta wipe myself when I'm not near a restroom) that can sometimes make said "calls on Line One" less traumatic or humiliating.
by QuacksO November 8, 2019
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A person who invents words
Ellis: I am an Inventor of Words
Nick: Okay?
Coach: Cool.
Rochelle: Okay
by STOP with democrate December 18, 2020
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A person who invents words.
Ellis: I am an Inventor of Words!
Nick: Okay.
by STOP with democrate December 18, 2020
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The moment when you have an idea inside your head, but you have a hard time saying it out loud since you're finding the suitable word in your head. Usually happens when speaking your second/third/nth language.

Note: This is different than the speech disorder "stuttering". Word stroke can happen to anyone.
"You know Andy, I think this show is..."
"Is what, Ray?"

by ubon September 22, 2020
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