To cover ones guts(insides) with a coating of any alcoholic substance.
Glaze Guts;
Generic bro #1: ”Yooo, glaze those guts, bro! Slam that shit, man, bro!”

Generic bro #2: ”Chill, bro. I’m doing it, bro.” *chugs extreme amounts of alcohol because of peer pressure*
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When two guys are having anal sex and the one guy pulls out and creams on the others testicles
Nicky was banging Critter and gave him a good plum glazing for a job well done
by lebreezer May 17, 2023
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The act of receiving oral sex but roughly halfway through the person receiving pulls out the erect penis and wipes the pre cum on the face of the giver. Then the action continues until the receiver ejaculated I'm the mouth of the giver which thereafter massages on to skin.
Bro this girl I hooked up with lastnight totally gave me the glazed guzzler.
by BigJohn420 January 14, 2015
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Glazing the Pot

Verb (used with object)

Not to be confused with the act of a Potter glazing a hardened piece of clay before firing. This glazing of the pot describes an over-weight fat ass, hairy man shaving his own stomach for the sole purpose of ejaculating ejaculating upon himself and glazing glazing his smooth pot (round belly) with an even layer of cum.
Friend 1: "What's Glazing the Pot mean?"
Friend 2: "Oh boy... Well I'm pretty sure it's when a fat ass with a hairy belly shaves himself and jizzes all over his stomach."

Friend 1: "Where the hell is Bryce?"

Friend 2: "If I had to bet, I'd say he's downstairs glazing his pot."

"Dang dude, your stomach is super smooth and shinny today. Did you glaze your pot last night?"
by Spen15M April 7, 2016
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Protective glasses to prevent semen from getting into your eyes .
My friend Shane always keeps his safety glazes on when I'm around.
by LollipopTom December 7, 2020
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When a person (typically born in New Zealand) with female genitalia ejaculates on the chest of another person, who then rubs the ejaculate on their own chest, belly and other body parts.
Holy shit! We had the best time… we did a Kiwi Glaze and then romped.
by F. Persimmon February 27, 2023
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