A type of majority in which the amount of people that are on one side is at least 50 percent, but less than either 60 percent of 67 percent, depending on how you define a supermajority. Primarily, a simple majority is used in the context of voting, but it could also be used in other context, such as the demographics of a nation.
It was a close call, but, with a simple majority of 53 percent, the new governor will replace the current governor.

The female population of Switzerland is the simple majority, as they are 50.5 percent of the population, as of 2016.
by YourGoodFriendJimmy January 1, 2020
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all members of the common class within the social group.
All members of the social group who are not members of the economic and political elite and are members of the common class are also referred to as the social majority.
by Baron Neville July 15, 2017
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Fine, hot, gorgeous, beautiful,

Rebecca: oh, Heather, look it’s Niko.
Heather: He is SO Major Pressa 🤌🏻✨
by fucbrett October 17, 2021
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(v.) The term you use when you want to say "sucking ass" (aka being bad at something) but you're in a situation where you can't swear.
(With regards to a sport) That kid is sucking major booty right now. Does he even know how to play?
by AtlanticComputer November 27, 2020
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Pulling a huge failure; fucked up really, really bad. A shitshow that should always be forgotten.
P1: Hey man, about that test last week, how'd you do?
P2: Let's just say I Shanghai Major'd that shit.
P1: Holy shit! I don't even want to know now. Let's forget about what we talked about.
by TheTrollUhate March 2, 2016
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It is a great song by ELTON JOHN off of ROCK OF THE WESTIES.

It is a SEXUAL CLIMAX that was hidden for a long time.
Don't break any MAJOR BONES BILLY.

by ELON MONITORS April 5, 2021
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this disorder only exists by the term "sex".
if you talk alot about sex you will get this disorder
yeah idk some random psychiatrist was saying this in a group chat whenever i said sex
me: "sex"
that psychiatrist: "you have a major depressive disorder :The W bird image:"
by ScamTram79 April 18, 2022
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