The one that stands isolated from all changes and will remain indifferent like Gods, but lack their power to which they are compensated with their unique nature of True freedom. Aliens are often easily susceptible to madness due to their lives being in the state of monotony and their radical attempts to pursue happiness. Aliens also tend to either be highly emotional due to seeking pleasures of the body, or are purely knowledge seeking scholars that seek the pleasures of souls.
The Dreaming Alien watches people prance around as fulfil their lives with emotions. After all, If life is but a dream, why so serious?
by Dreaming Alien April 29, 2022
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Aliens are not as stupid as people and avoid them at all costs......
Maybe we haven't seen them yet soooooo yeah

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Person 1 :My name jeff lelel
Person 2 : I wish i was an alien so i could avoid you
Person 3 : lol me too
Random guy in the street: did you know aliens are aliens!?!!??!?!?!
Other random guy in the street: kys
by Is that the jeff27? May 22, 2018
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1. Weird mother fucking things from outer space that try and lay eggs inside of you so they can form more aliens that rip your stomach open and come out so they can lay more motherfucking eggs and kill a bunch of people. They are shiny and black with no eyes, 2 mouths, a bunch of fucking teeth, weird spindly things coming out of their back. When you see one fucking run bitch!

2. The movie
Alien: HIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSS *other alien noises*
by Unladylike Bitches May 19, 2021
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Colloquial word used to describe someone who is so good at their craft that they cannot be from Earth. It us commonly used with athletes in GOAT conversations.
Michael Jordan is an alien. Did you see how he dominated the 1991 Finals.
by December 16, 2020
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A subhuman moron that lost owc 2018 and turned his back on his friends
-Yo wtf is this Alien?
by Micky :) April 30, 2019
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