A story about a bunch of kids dying in a school because their teachers suck.
"Have you heard about the Vincent lore?"
"No, but I would like to!"

"Our school is like the Vincent lore."
by Ace-is-the-best- May 31, 2023
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One of the greatest photographers
Your photoshot is as great as Vincent Shi
by Ishigawa November 23, 2021
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An average, dirty blonde, hazel-eyed, tubby white guy who happens to be multi-talented, but also hates himself completely, loves metal music, and weed
Look at that depressive shit, he must be a Matthew Scott Vincent
by StonedWolf13 April 9, 2023
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An ENTIRE Section 8 of a man. hes literally ill. why do you like him so much.
"omg is that vincent gaboury"
"he literally has 27 mental illnesses what are you on about"
by Svartsjuk April 15, 2022
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A term often used to refer to a child with autism or whom is extremely stupid and it immature and child with this name should consider a early name change as their life will be very difficult and be frequently suicidal when made fun of on the internet.
Hey did you see that vincentive kid? Yeah, isn't he autistic?
by Daddy commie June 16, 2017
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a man made of 100% testosterone
he has spliffing skills that are feared by the gods
friend: ayy Vincent Wakandahuis spif!
Vincent: spiffs so god damn hard he creates a black hole
by skem500 August 19, 2019
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Gabriel Vincent is a popular, god like character from the unfamous comic on Twitter: flarey fire
Gabriel Vincent is god 🙌
by Ed,Eddie and eddy fan! June 3, 2022
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