when the pussy so musty it smell like wet crow
damn, my bitch had a bad case of wet crow last night
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Jim Crow of a Different Color: trying to atone for racism of the past by adopting racist practices today.
DEI initiatives that discriminate against white people in favor of other races work just like the Jim Crow policies of the post Civil War era, are Jim Crow of a Different Color.
by Puchin March 19, 2023
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A multi-universe theory, similar to Murphy's law, that essentially states anything that can be altered by freak scientific accidents/discoveries will indeed be changed forever.

It's a scalar value that actually increases and decreases as function of the proportional distance to Dr. Crowe.

Common phenomena explained by it include:
Faster than the speed of light gravity
Missing dissertations
Infinite positions for the coefficient of friction
Multi dimension travel
Missing Singaporean scientists
Student-"Dr. Crowe, I just heard that scientist think the graviton is mediated by a faster than light force, pretty cool stuff but kind of outlandish don't you think?"

Dr. Crowe- "This is big...."

Student- "I can feel the Crowe's constant building"
by Fromthefuture March 30, 2011
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An executioner or assassin. Someone who kills for another.
"Stay away from that blood, he's a crow feeder, the cartel's best sniper."
by Zed Numar July 26, 2021
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stupid, idiotic, ignorant in the ways of the "dealie"
omg this is so crow for toast! i hate it.
by kati December 16, 2003
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A gladiator that tries to cut the head off anything over 5'9" or so to make it the right size.
Curly Crowe wants to cut his head off so he can stick it to the man on a pike.
by The Original Agahnim November 5, 2021
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Mutual Acquaintance- Curly Crowe, have you met Lenny Phoenix, your future adversary?

Curly Crowe - It wasn't my idea for us to meet, it was yours.
by The Original Agahnim November 5, 2021
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