A Boogie is DTB

Artist is a lover boy / Simp
ABoogie Vs Artist

A boogie : aboogie would say “Fuck Love That Shit Don’t Belong here”

Artist : Artist Would say “I pushed all of your buttons still wasn’t working” (or some Simp shit)
by Nigaaaaaaaaa February 22, 2022
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Not to be confused with anti-hypocrisy tutelage ("This what we SHOULD do, but it is not what a lot of people actually DO do"), this term refers to what you attempt to teach a fellow living creature during house-training.
A classic example of "SHOULD do vs. DOO-doo" would be an '80's-era "Garfield" cartoon where Jon Arbuckle was upset when Odie "left a gift on the carpet"; he then expressed great appreciation to Garfield for being housebroken.
by QuacksO February 17, 2021
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Describes the "pleasant versus unpleasant" quandary that you face when making a road trip on a budget. The D.O.T. may indeed instruct you to "never drive while drowsy", but good luck explaining that to a cop with a quota who taps on your car window at 2 a.m. in the morning to find out why you're parked along a deserted stretch of highway to sleep till dawn.
One simple way to avoid the whole "rest area vs. arrest area" debacle is to simply schedule your sleep-stops around the available "official rest area" locations that are situation along your route... sure, it may take a bit longer to complete your journey if you hafta "call it a day" at 5 pm instead of at nightfall because there will be no other rest areas for another hundred or more miles, but at least you can slumber in peace, knowing that you aren't parking somewhere overnight where you might be given grief.
by QuacksO February 25, 2019
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the oldest debate in history please help me solve it
Person 1: Yo, crimmer vs crummer, what you thinking bro?
Person 2: *Falls into an endless slumber*
Person 1: damn guess i'll never know
by bugsyfeller February 6, 2023
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Refers to da ratio of how much your "upstairs" hangovers (i.e., "morning after" headaches, nausea, etc.) affect da flabby "hangover" --- i.e., floppily-drooping beer gut --- dat gradually develops "downstairs". Generally speaking it'll be about equal; in other words, da more alcohol you guzzle, da more of an "overhang" you'll get at your waistline.
Seeing other folks afflicted with an "upstairs vs. downstairs hangover" should be ample motivation to not start drinking yourself!
by QuacksO November 6, 2022
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An epic memified of the original PvZ that is full of memes.
Person 1: hey, have you seen plants vs memes?
Person 2: Yeah, it’s so MLG m9!
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