related to the phrase 'chill and netflix'
def: To bring an assortment of sex toys to a session of sexual intercourse.
Hey man, don't forget to bring the popcorn so we can chill and Netflix.
by Dreadnought Bill May 29, 2018
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A sexual act that consists of feeding your partner unpopped popcorn kernels. After 12-24 hours, engage in anal intercourse. When a piece of kernel sticks to your penis, fling it off your erection into partners mouth.
She was hungry and wanted anal so I gave her a popcorn maker. Anal food
by Rick da dick July 20, 2017
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An agitated popcorn is what we today call, an adhd, but one one is agitated,

So, if you get a bag of popcorn, at the bottom of of bag are the brain-deads, the corns that don't pop, the buttery ones are the normals which are 85% of population, then the ones that keep popping after the bags told you no no dont bro when you hear 1-2 pops a second, they are the batch of agitated popcorns, cause they will just keep popping till the batch is just fucking burnt... making an OCD unable to make their their popcorn due to they must complete task, resulting in burning and setting fire to the microwave because of those agitated popcorn...
Bro what the fuck was with wally this morning, did he take his pills?
he just couldn't stop moving mate
Like Jack rolling down a hill after a big Saturday i muted the volume and was watching him tryna write paddlestick on a fishdick n swear mums it was like watching popcorn pop by a sales rep behind the popcorn machine at your local theatre on Thursday filmenigans, he was pissing the customers off cause he was acting like an agitated popcorn, like stop frizzing their wally write ya paddlestick on a fishdick and take ya daily corn pill, stop acting like an agitated popcorn it's not puffpuff on ya nan's rocklawn wallys full fucked hes gone?
She just asked if the mower is rough rough be done before dark honey rocks on lawn Wally's my first born
by Smiggymate April 14, 2023
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When you look big but you're not really that big. No strength behind the muscles. Fake fuckin' muscles. Weak men have popcorn muscles.
Ivan Bogovich has popcorn muscles. Ivan Bogovich is a weak man. Ivan Bogovich didn't wipe his butt until middle school.
by Tyler jean November 24, 2016
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Meaning there is not going to be a fight, argument or conflict - opposite to the expression "Get the popcorn" said by hopeful onlookers when watching a conflict develop between other people.
Put away the popcorn they settled the conflict.
by @#& April 20, 2023
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Popcorn, Indiana is an American brand of popcorn that was introduced in 2002. The brand is headquartered in Westport, Connecticut and Indianapolis, Indiana - 72 miles north of the community that gave it its name: Popcorn, Indiana
Popcorn, Indiana, LLC is the the DBA for Dale and Thomas Popcorn, LLC and at one point its products were sold under the Dale and Thomas Popcorn brand
by rdesgatrsygh May 25, 2023
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an unincorporated community in Perry Township, Lawrence County, Indiana.
Popcorn, Indiana is the best place.
by Wendysfg May 7, 2023
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