Any man over the age of 25 with a compulsion to sniff the banana seats of little girls bicycles.
"Susie, don't ever leave your bike in the yard. Our neighbor Lonny is a snorkle dorf."
by Rex Hammer November 9, 2006
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1. n. A man that both (a) dips his scrotum and testicles across the nose and mouth of another person while laying his penis across the remainder of their face. (as if dipping a tea bag into hot water) and (b) receives the same.

2. n. A conservative activist who is so ignorant that they protest against tax cuts (that benefit them) by holding a sign that says: "Don't cut my Medicare to pay for your Socialized Medicine."
Congressman Massa was a snorkling teabagger with his barely legal page.

Billy Ray cheered while he watched the teabaggers protest on FOX news.
by FoxNewsFred March 21, 2010
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Alice lets go for a swim in the pool, my rod needs Banana Snorkle : )
by winkleberry August 10, 2011
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She was eager to get to the pool so she could passionately cock-snorkle him.
by jolie seraphina December 27, 2017
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When a girl is giving head underwater and the man nuts in her mouth while she is still underwater
Last Saturday I gave my girl a salty snorkle
by Wtfjr November 26, 2017
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a big ass nose so fucking big you use it to breath underwater.
"damn george, you have a fucking flesh snorkle!" "no i don't :("
by 242424242424242424oz July 17, 2021
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Simulated oral sex. Or any public head to groin action. Coined by Ryan Seacrest in regards to Adam Lambert's AMA performance.

Also see: Pink's 2004 Billboard Awards performance
and Derek Hough and Joanna Krupa on Dancing with the Stars.
1. "Man, he knocked Tom Brady on his ass!"

"Yeah, it was a great sack, except for the part where he totally crotch snorkled the dude."

2. No Madonna performance is complete without a requisite crotch snorkle from the dancers.
by auseyre December 6, 2009
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