The act of smoking marijuana with group of people.
Hey, wanna sesh tonight?

Sure, but I don’t have anymore weed, you mind if I bum some off ya?
That’s fine.
by COVID42069 October 4, 2020
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Abbreviation of the word "session" and means to go on a "session" of theft.
Me and my boy Jay went on a lil sesh in the boy's changing rooms this lunchtime. I got £20, he got £10. We took it from inside the people's blazers.
by myboyb June 20, 2015
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An event in which mainly teenagers take/drink an excessive amount of drugs and/or alcohol, with some seshes leading to hospital . They often involve non-initiated sesh gremlins being peer pressured into drug taking or alcohol drinking.
“Man once your in the sesh there’s no backing out
“Sesh till I drop!”

by Nb20012001 November 1, 2017
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A sesh is where a bunch of Chavy teens go to a gaff or the local woods to take excessive amounts of alcohol and drugs
“Here you gan t the sesh ihnight”

Seshing tonight lads”
by SpunkyTits22 November 3, 2018
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A 'session' in which a group of people all smoke bong's and get fucked up. I guess its well-covered by AstroBlue.
"Keen for a sesh? Let's go back to the Spruce chill-zone."
by Diego August 31, 2003
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1. Verb - To smoke pot
2. Noun - A session of any sort, whether it be video gaming, sports playing, etc.
3. Noun - Something being awesome or going your way. Or an exclamation.
(Basically, sesh can be used in any form or context.)
1. "Yo broski, wanna sesh tonight?"
2. "Wanna have a lax sesh after school?" "We just had a fat Madden sesh!"
3. "That's sesh!" "SEYERRSH!"
by HeePuuh May 7, 2010
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A masturbation session. Also known as a JO sesh or a circle jerk. Guys masturbating together. The use of Albolene or some other lube is recommended
StrokeCentral set up a sesh for tomorrow night and 7 other guys are going.
by lajerker July 23, 2005
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